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How a "problem" became a new opportunity!

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pet portraits

I hesitate to call a bundle of kittens a "problem," but taking a homeless cat family of six to the vet to get them fixed, vaccinated, and chipped costs A LOT of money. - and I had just cut back on my work hours so I could pursue my passion for art, so going back wasn't an option. I had to find a way to raise the funds.

Here's the backstory: Since my beloved cat passed away, I swore I wouldn’t get another pet. But then, a stray tomcat discovered my compost. Watching him eat moldy bread broke my heart, so I started feeding him real cat food. At first, he was terrified of me, and I worried about him as winter approached. With a cat flap already in place, I decided to leave it open, hoping he'd come in when the cold became unbearable. And he did. I live in a 110-square-foot tiny house on wheels, so there wasn’t much room for him to hide. But he curled up near the fireplace, looking content, and soon enough, he was sleeping on my couch.

It was clear I’d need to have "the talk" about saying goodbye to his fluffy balls, but I was dragging my feet. Before I could act, he proudly introduced me to his girlfriend. Cue nervousness: 110 square feet and a new cat! A few weeks later, I woke up to find a tiny, fluffy kitten in my bed and a very proud mama by its side. Upon further inspection, I discovered there were four kittens. So much for not getting another pet—suddenly, I had six cats!

People had suggested I make money doing pet portraits before, but I always resisted. Commissions made me nervous—what if the customer wasn’t happy? But now, it wasn’t about me. This little cat family needed the money, and my perspective shifted. I posted on Facebook: "Help me help these sweet cats by ordering a portrait of your pet!" To my surprise, the same day, someone asked if I could draw their cottage. I’d never done that before, but I gave it a shot—and she was happy with the result! As I posted more portraits, more requests came in. Before I knew it, I was receiving multiple commissions a day, and, to my surprise, I really enjoyed it.

I hadn’t drawn in over 20 years and just needed a boost in confidence. Now, I’m finally making money doing something I love—something I wouldn’t have dared try if it weren’t for my “cat problem.”

So, the moral of the story: cats really are the answer to everything!